IMAVS projects group is a Project management, Financial management & Consulting company, which provides high end project expertise for large Energy ,Infrastructure and Manufacturing projects . Company is promoted and managed by experienced professionals with global projects & investment management experience.

Company focuses on providing solution to the industries like Energy & Infrastructure, Construction & Real estate, Engineering and Manufacturing, Technology & Education segment . We make use of trusted methods and established principles of good practice, together with common sense. Establishing project management and project offices, set-up and optimisation of processes, portfolio management by ensuring project quality, assessment and feedback.

IMAVS has deep expertise in financial management services, but we also look beyond the industry and draw upon our capabilities and experiences. We tailor these offerings to the needs of our financial services clients to help them solve problems or pursue opportunities in many areas, including: Growth strategy ,Organizational effectiveness ,Operational excellence ,Compliance ,Information technology, Mergers and acquisitions ,Change management, Private equity, Performance improvement ,Customer experience, Customer loyalty and insights .


Imavs Projects Group is registered in Bangalore , the technology capital of India and have operational offices in different parts of the country and has partner offices in various overseas locations.

Management Profile

V M RAVINDRAN, Promoter & Partner Director

Professional Experience

Financial and operation management experience for more than 40 years in managing various government and private projects including auditing, accounting, proposals and review.
Worked in various industry segments like Defence, Engineering, Trading, Agriculture & food processing, Technology & Infrastructure.

Experience in standards and process of financial accounting & management information systems ( MIS) Experience in Investment management, raising capital & handling mergers & acquisitions including fund management in both debt & equity. Involved in various humanitarian and charitable activities with various NGO’s.

Key Expertise :

Financial management, Operations management , Project management.

PRASOON RAVINDRAN, Partner & Director

Professional Experience

More than fifteen years of experience in Human Resource Management, Operations management, Accounting and Auditing, Projects Approval & Sanction with various stake holders, Government relationship & liaison. Worked in various large infrastructure & Construction projects including Roads and Bridges construction.

Involved in financial activities including capital raising and investment into various commercial and charitable projects.

Key Expertise :

Operations management, HR management & Govt. relationship

Advisory Board

Imavs Projects Group have a highly experienced and technically qualified professionals in every sector of its activities as Group advisors and Project Heads. All such senior professional constitute and function as Imavs Projects Group as Advisory Board .



Empower People, Promote Nature, Up-liftment of Rural Areas, sharing Knowledge and Wisdom.


Integrate People, Culture, Heritage, Resources along with Science and Technology for developing better, faster and efficient products.

Our Project Highlights

Imavs team is working for various large and highly demanding projects with strategic partners in different locations . The objective is grow all of them by forming Special Purpose Vehicle Company ( SPV ) separately for each segments of business.

Integrated Seaports and Township

Development of Integrated Seaports and Township

Integrated Airports and Township

Development of Integrated Airports and Township

Logistic Hub

Development of Logistic Hub for Seaport and Airport Cargo Handling

Inland Water Transport

Development of Inland Water Transport

Dedicated Freight Carrier

Development of a Dedicated Freight Carrier ,Road and Rail Connectivity

Organic farming

Development of Organic farming / Agriculture & Food processing

Rural & heritage Tourism

Development of Rural & heritage Tourism

Skilled Education

Development of vocational & skilled education

Renewable /solar energy

Development of a large and scalable Renewable /solar energy platform

Charitable and Humanitarian Initiatives

Providing Donations for NGO’s other Charitable Organizations.